Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Stanford Letter Project

"Our goal is to empower all adults to take the initiative to talk to their doctor about what matters most to them at life's end. Our research has shown that while almost all doctors agree that it is important for them to have end-of-life conversations with their patients, most doctors struggle with these conversations. Our research has also shown that patients from all ethnic backgrounds agree that it is important for them to have end of life conversations with their doctors. However, patients do not quite know how to initiate these conversations. 

The Letter Project will help you write a letter to your doctor using a simple template. The template is based on extensive research and is specifically designed to help you voice the key information your doctor needs in order to provide end-of-life care to you that is congruent with your values and wishes. 

Use our letter template, write your letter, print it and discuss it with your family and your doctor. The letter template is available in several languages. Many people have already written their letter. Write your letter now!"

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