Friday, December 25, 2015

How Milennials Die

Friend Request (2010)  by Daniela Lamas, M.D.

“In the middle of my intern year, I became Facebook friends with a young man who was dying in the intensive-care unit. An investment banker in his mid-20s, he thought he was healthy until a fluttering in his chest and swollen ankles took him to a doctor. Now he was in the I.C.U. with a rare cardiac condition.  And his laptop. That’s the first thing I noticed the morning a group of us stood outside his room on rounds. He was shocked by his internal defibrillator three times the night before — died, that is, three times before being brought back with jolts of electricity. And this young man with a steroid-swollen face was surfing the Internet.

“Are you on Facebook?” he asked me. “I’ll friend you, and you can see the pictures.”

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