Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Conversation

A Revolutionary Plan for End-Of-Life Care

From Amazon:
There is an unspoken dark side of American medicine - keeping patients alive at any price. Two thirds of Americans die in healthcare institutions tethered to machines and tubes at bankrupting costs, even though research shows that most prefer to die at home in comfort, surrounded by loved ones.

Dr. Angelo E. Volandes believes that a life well lived deserves a good ending. Through the stories of seven patients and seven very different end-of-life experiences, he demonstrates that what people with a serious illness, who are approaching the end of their lives, need most is not new technologies but one simple thing: The Conversation. In this book, he argues for a radical re-envisioning of the patient-doctor relationship and offers ways for patients and their families to talk about this difficult issue to ensure that patients will be at the center and in charge of their medical care. 

This is a low book that the covers many aspects of end–of-life care. It will be useful to anyone who takes the time to read it. It compliments Gawande's Being Mortal. The Conversation is mostly directed to patients. Physicians may find it too simplistic, but it is still helpful in pointing out the discussions we should have with patients.

Volandes and his group have produced "The Conversation" videos which can be shown to patients to help with making end-of-life decisions. These videos are available at many institutions around the country. They would be helpful to have in an office setting, in addition. They can be shown on an iPad for convenience and portability. DJE

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