Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bearing Witness

by Jo McElroy Senecal is a moving essay that appeared in the NY Times "The End" series.  Ms. Senecal worked for the Big Apple Circus Clown Care Program.

It’s sacred business, watching on the periphery as someone is dying, knowing that person may soon find answers I can only dream about. Being in that room is about being inches away from someone’s intensely personal, unique, painful, awful, scary, gorgeous scenery. Just being there without judgment or agenda; just being there with a shocking amount of love and compassion...

Whether a newborn, a toddler or teenager, a middle-aged or thoroughly wrinkled soul, when they are too sick to get out of bed and their breath is ragged and their hands are starting to curl into their palms, they are the sacred vulnerable and it is up to the ones standing to take good care.

This is a touching piece, it comes from the heart.  Read "Bearing Witness."
Bride at father's death bed

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